Terms of Service

Rules for the use of the website and provision of services

1. General provisions

1.1. These rules (the "Rules") lay down the terms and conditions for the use of the website WhiteBridge.ai (WhiteBridge.ai) and the services provided on WhiteBridge.ai.

1.2. WhiteBridge.ai is managed and administered by Lithuanian Limited Liability Company "Whitebridge ai" registered at Vilnius, Krivių g. 5 Lithuania (the "Whitebridge ai").

1.3. The User confirms their consent to the Rules and undertakes to comply with them when using WhiteBridge.ai in any way or form. Any user who does not agree with one or more of the terms and conditions of the Rules will have no right to use WhiteBridge.ai.

2. Definitions

2.1. For the purposes of these Rules, the following terms, when capitalized, have meanings as specified in this paragraph of the Rules.

2.1.1. Report means a comprehensive personal insight report which provides details about an individual's personality, values, preferences, affiliations, and more, which WhiteBridge.ai users might order.

2.1.2. Commercial User means any natural or legal person who uses the Services for purposes of business, trade, craft, or profession (other than private consumption) or for the dual purpose of private consumption and business, but considering all the circumstances related to the Services, business purposes dominate.

2.1.3. Tokens means credits included in the User Account acquired by the User, which can be exchanged for obtaining the Report. One Report can be exchanged for one Reports.

2.1.4. User means the person who has ordered the Reports or who is otherwise using WhiteBridge.ai, including Private Users and Commercial Users.

2.1.5. Account means the User Account at WhiteBridge.ai that the User opens in order to access Services.

2.1.6. Services means services provided to the User for consideration which the User can receive at WhiteBridge.ai, including, but not limited to, ordering and the provision of Reports.

2.1.7. Initial Scan means the preliminary information provided by WhiteBridge.ai by entering an individual's details and the data categories that are verified and included in the Report.

2.1.8. Private User means a natural person who uses Services for purposes other than those related to business, trade, craft, or profession (for the purpose of consumption) or for the dual purpose of consumption and business but considering all the circumstances related to the Services, business purposes do not dominate.

2.1.9. Unique Identifier (UI) means a unique identifier assigned by WhiteBridge.ai to each individual profile for easy referencing and access.

2.1.10. Third-Party Websites means independent Third-Party Websites, i.e., not related to WhiteBridge.

3. Account

3.1. To use some Services, e.g. to control additional Reports, the User must open an Account. The User may open an Account:

3.1.1. by entering their email address and preferred password. If this method is used, the User must activate the Account by clicking on the link in the email that WhiteBridge.ai will send to the email address indicated at the time of registration of the Account, or

3.1.2. by entering their email address when the User acquires Report. If this method is used, the User will create the password by clicking on the link in the email that WhiteBridge.ai will send to the email address indicated at the time of the Token purchase or Reports.

3.1.3. by using a third-party, i.e., Facebook, Linkedin, X, Google, and Apple, accounts and providing WhiteBridge.ai access to these third-party accounts.

3.2. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Account login data and for any activity performed by third parties on behalf of the User in the Account, because the User has failed to ensure the confidentiality of the login data. The User undertakes to notify WhiteBridge.ai by email to info@whitebridge.ai without delay, of any loss or unauthorized use of login data or any other breach of the security or confidentiality of the login data.

3.3. If the User no longer wishes to use the Account, they have the right to delete it at any time by sending a written message to WhiteBridge.ai by email to info@whitebridge.ai or by using their Account settings.

4. Reports

4.1. The User may purchase Tokens that can be exchanged for a Reports or Login on WhiteBridge.ai and request a Report generation. Credits will be credited to the User’s Account no later than within 60 minutes from the receipt of payment in accordance with the procedure laid down in these Rules.

4.2. The Report's price is subject to market conditions, special offers, currency fluctuations, and other factors. The current valid price list for Reports  and other Services is always available at WhiteBridge.ai. The final price of the Reports, applicable at the time of order, will always be displayed when selecting the payment method.

4.3. Reports purchased by the User will be valid for 30 days from the moment of purchase. After this period, any remaining Reports will expire and be removed from their Account.

4.4. When the User enters an identifier on WhiteBridge.ai, they can view an Initial Scan, indicating the information that will be verified and provided in the Report. The Report may not contain all the data indicated in the Initial Scan due to lack of records or data availability.

4.5. The Report will be uploaded to the User Account within 2-10 minutes after debiting the Reports. An email will also be sent to the User’s specified email address with a link to the Report.

4.6. The Report is available to the User on the web browser for 30 days from the upload date. During this period, the User can also download the Report.

4.7. After the 30 days period, the Report will not be accessible. If the User wishes to obtain a new scan, they must order it.

4.8. WhiteBridge.ai aims to provide the most accurate and comprehensive data in the Report. The information in the Report is gathered from various public databases and sources and using AI. Therefore, when purchasing the Report, the User acknowledges:

4.8.1. WhiteBridge.ai does not guarantee the complete accuracy and relevance of the information in the Report.

4.8.2. Some information in the Report might not be available in certain jurisdictions or might be accessible only to certain entities.

4.8.3. The User assumes responsibility for decisions made based on the Report. If in doubt, they should cross-check with relevant authorities. WhiteBridge.ai recommends verification before making significant decisions based on the Report.

4.8.4. Information in the Report should not be seen as an offer or recommendation related to any transaction or activity.

4.9. WhiteBridge.ai allows Users to share or use the Report for evaluation purposes or to provide evaluations to third parties. However, reselling or using the Report for direct commercial activities where the Scan itself is the subject of a transaction is prohibited.

5. Responsibilities of the User

5.1. The User undertakes:

5.1.1. not to use automatic devices, software, algorithms, or methodologies, or any similar or equivalent manual process to access, acquire, copy, or monitor any part of WhiteBridge.ai or any content. Additionally, the User should not attempt to bypass the navigation structure of WhiteBridge.ai or any of its content, or to obtain any material or information not specifically intended to be accessible.

5.1.2. not to attempt unauthorized access to any portion or functionality of WhiteBridge.ai, or to any systems or networks associated with WhiteBridge.ai, through hacking, password mining, or any other illicit means.

5.1.3. not to undertake actions that would place an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure, systems, or networks connected to WhiteBridge.ai.

5.1.4. not to employ any device, software, or routine that could interfere, or attempt to interfere, with the proper functioning of WhiteBridge.ai or any operations conducted on the platform, or with the use of WhiteBridge.ai by any other users.

5.1.5. not to utilize WhiteBridge.ai or its content for illegal purposes, purposes non-compliant with these Rules, or to promote any illicit activity or any activity that infringes upon the rights of WhiteBridge.ai or other individuals.

5.1.6. to adhere to these Rules and any applicable laws and regulations when using WhiteBridge.ai, its Services, or when making payments for Services.

5.1.7. not to engage in any activity that violates the privacy rights of other users or individuals, including but not limited to unauthorized access to or sharing of personal information.

5.1.8. not to engage in any fraudulent activities, including but not limited to impersonating another person or entity, forging headers or otherwise manipulating identifiers to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through WhiteBridge.ai.

5.1.9. not to collect or store personal data about other users or individuals in violation of applicable data protection laws.

5.1.10. not to use WhiteBridge.ai to promote or engage in any form of spam, including but not limited to unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation. When using the content of WhiteBridge.ai created Report for direct marketing, it is necessary to obtain the prior consent of the other user or individual for direct marketing.

6. Services

6.1. The agreement for the provision of Services between WhiteBridge.ai and the User is considered effective from the moment of payment receipt, as outlined in these Rules. If the Services are ordered by a Commercial User, the agreement's effectiveness depends on the payment receipt process described in these Rules or any separate agreement between WhiteBridge.ai and the Commercial User.

6.2. Users will compensate WhiteBridge.ai for the Services using their preferred method—credit or debit cards, Stripe, bank transfer, PayPal, or cryptocurrency. Services for Private Users will only be initiated after payment is received as outlined in these Rules and the procedures on WhiteBridge.ai. Commercial Users will receive Services post-payment, following the guidelines in these Rules or any separate agreements, if applicable.

6.3. Users opting to pay for Services via cryptocurrency assume full responsibility for ensuring the legality of such payments within their jurisdiction. WhiteBridge.ai, to the fullest extent permissible by law, does not take responsibility for the security of cryptocurrency payments.

6.4. WhiteBridge.ai reserves the right to run promotional campaigns, during which Users may receive discount codes for Services. The conditions for applying specific discount codes, including validity, applicable Services, and other constraints, will be determined by WhiteBridge.ai. To utilize a discount code, Users must input the code in the designated area during the payment process. If not applied correctly, the discount will not be recognized.

6.5. Due to the economic disparities of various markets, WhiteBridge.ai may apply different pricing strategies for Services across countries.

6.6. For taxation purposes, such as value added tax (VAT) or equivalent taxes in the jurisdiction where Services are rendered, the Services are deemed as digital services. Hence, for tax considerations, WhiteBridge.ai will align with prevailing regulations and will apply the VAT rate based on the User's residence location. Determination of the User's location will utilize technological and communication methods. In case of discrepancies, data provided by the User will be prioritized. Users are solely accountable for the authenticity of the data they provide. For Commercial Users, WhiteBridge.ai will follow standard rules for determining the place of provision for VAT purposes.

6.7. Users who purchase Services can access a VAT invoice in their WhiteBridge.ai User Account. This invoice may be emailed or downloadable directly from WhiteBridge.ai.

7. Protection of Private Users

7.1. If a Private User orders Services, such as purchasing Reports, they have the right to cancel the agreement without providing a reason within 14 days. Cancellation can be done by notifying WhiteBridge.ai via email at info@whitebridge.ai, except in situations described in Paragraph 7.2. To cancel the Services, the Private User should send an email in a free format, specifying the order number, date, contact information, and the intention to cancel a specific order. WhiteBridge.ai will refund all payments made by the Private User promptly, ensuring completion within 14 days from the receipt of the cancellation notice.

7.2. If a Private User desires to use Reports for specific Services, they must provide explicit confirmation and agreement beforehand. Given that the Services represent digital content and are available almost instantly, the Private User acknowledges the forfeiture of their 14-day cancellation right upon accessing the digital content. If a Private User procures a package of Reports (more than one Report), and depending on the package's attributes (e.g., discounts compared to individual Report purchases), utilizing even a single Reports from the package results in the loss of the cancellation right for the entire package.

8. Personal Data Protection

8.1. Information regarding the processing of Users' personal data can be found in the WhiteBridge.ai Privacy Policy. By acknowledging these Rules, the User also affirms their understanding of the WhiteBridge.ai Privacy Policy, as mentioned in this section.

9. Change or Termination of Services

9.1. WhiteBridge.ai reserves the right to unilaterally modify the Services provided and their associated costs, along with any other provisions outlined in these Rules. If such changes result in negative implications for Private Users (e.g., a restriction of rights), WhiteBridge.ai will only implement these adjustments if there's a substantial basis, such as shifts in applicable laws or alterations in our business model. Private Users will be informed of any changes via email, sent to the address associated with their Accounts, at least 5 calendar days before the changes take effect. Continued usage of WhiteBridge.ai post any modifications will be interpreted as the Private User's acceptance of these changes. WhiteBridge.ai assures that these adjustments won't compromise the rights of Private Users concerning ongoing or previously executed Services.

9.2. WhiteBridge.ai holds the right to limit or cease User access to its platform and/or Services if the User breaches the stipulations of these Rules and/or relevant laws. Users who infringe these conditions and possess an Account will be informed of the access limitations or termination via the email linked to their Account. If WhiteBridge.ai restricts or terminates User access due to such violations, the affected User will no longer be permitted to utilize the platform and/or Services in the future, including any attempts to establish a new Account.

9.3. For technical maintenance or related operations, WhiteBridge.ai may temporarily limit its platform's functionalities, giving Private Users an advance notice via the email tied to their Account. In urgent situations, WhiteBridge.ai can momentarily curtail its operations without prior notice. However, such limitations won't negatively impact the rights of Private Users in terms of Services that are either in progress or have already been delivered.

10. Force Majeure

10.1. WhiteBridge.ai shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under these Terms of Service if such failure or delay is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, government action, natural disasters, strikes, labour disputes, power failures, internet outages, or any other events beyond the reasonable control of WhiteBridge.ai (the "Force Majeure Event").

10.2. In the event of a Force Majeure Event affecting the proper performance of the WhiteBridge.ai’s obligations under this Rules:

10.2.1. The WhiteBridge.ai shall promptly inform the Private User;

10.2.2. The performance of WhiteBridge.ai’s obligations arising from this Rules shall be suspended, and the deadline for performance shall be extended for the duration of the WhiteBridge.ai’s Force Majeure Event. If WhiteBridge.ai’s Force Majeure Events affect the delivery of goods to the Private User, the WhiteBridge.ai shall arrange a new delivery date after the end of the WhiteBridge.ai’s Force Majeure Events.

10.3. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under these Terms of Service to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by a Force Majeure Event.

11. Liability

11.1. The User is responsible for all the actions performed using the WhiteBridge.ai website and its Services. The User agrees and undertakes to defend, indemnify, and protect WhiteBridge.ai, affiliated companies, service providers, and representatives of WhiteBridge.ai, including managers, authorized officials, employees, or consultants against any losses, damages, claims, and/or expenses incurred due to: a) a breach of these Rules by the User, b) any violation by the User of applicable laws, and c) decisions made by the User based on the information provided by WhiteBridge.ai.

11.2. As far as permitted by the prevailing law, WhiteBridge.ai will not be held liable for any loss or damage to Users unless the damage or loss results from:

11.2.1. injury to the User, including loss of life or health-related complications,

11.2.2. damage to the Private User's assets, or

11.2.3. instances caused by the deliberate misconduct or gross negligence of WhiteBridge.ai.

11.3. WhiteBridge.ai is only accountable for the technical presentation of the information provided and the maintenance of the WhiteBridge.ai or decentralised database. To the extent permitted by applicable law, WhiteBridge.ai will not be responsible for any factual inaccuracies or inconsistencies of the presented information.

11.4. WhiteBridge.ai may offer links to other third-party websites for user convenience. WhiteBridge.ai doesn't oversee or control these links or third-party websites and is not responsible for the content, information, or material found on these websites. Users are advised to exercise caution when visiting external sites.

12. Intellectual Property Rights

12.1. The content on the WhiteBridge.ai website—including the code, design, WhiteBridge.ai domain name, all copyrights, trademarks, databases, trade names, titles, and other intellectual property or other properties related to WhiteBridge.ai and/or the material contained therein—is either owned by WhiteBridge.ai or used by WhiteBridge.ai with legitimate authorization, except for intellectual property objects (trademarks, logos, etc.) related to WhiteBridge.ai partners or suppliers. All of these elements are protected by national and international laws and regulations governing intellectual property rights.

12.2. Users are not permitted to copy, record, reproduce, present, publish, transfer, sell, modify, submit, license, change, republish, edit, broadcast, rebroadcast, display publicly, demonstrate, adapt, distribute, or use the WhiteBridge.ai material or its source code, or any part of it, as well as any derivative works without the explicit consent of WhiteBridge.ai.

13. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

13.1. All activities on WhiteBridge.ai will be executed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, which also apply to these Rules. Any disputes arising from WhiteBridge.ai activities, Services, or related matters will be settled through negotiation. If an agreement cannot be reached, the dispute will be addressed by a competent court as per the provisions of the applicable law.

13.2. Disputes between WhiteBridge.ai and Commercial Users will be resolved in a court located at the domicile of WhiteBridge.ai.

13.3. Private Users who believe their rights or legitimate interests have been violated by WhiteBridge.ai Services should submit a written complaint to WhiteBridge.ai at info@whitebridge.ai  If the User is not satisfied with the response from WhiteBridge.ai, they can contact the Consumer Rights Protecting Authorities.

14. Information Protection Measures

14.1. WhiteBridge.ai emphasizes that Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their Account login data. Users should exercise caution in using and storing their login details. Upon completing their tasks, Users should always log out to ensure that no unauthorized person can access their emails or personal information, especially when using public computers (e.g., at an internet café or library).

14.2. While WhiteBridge.ai is committed to safeguarding the data processed by the platform, it is important to note that since user information is transmitted over the internet, WhiteBridge.ai cannot guarantee the absolute security of transmitted information, including personal data.

15. Final Provisions

15.1. These Rules represent the comprehensive agreement between the User and WhiteBridge.ai, superseding and nullifying all prior written or verbal contracts, commitments, declarations, and understandings between the User and WhiteBridge.ai in relation to the subject of these Rules. WhiteBridge.ai reserves the right to enter into a separate written agreement with the User. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the terms of these Rules will be applicable to such agreements.

15.2. Should any part of these Rules be deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable to any degree as per the established legal procedures, such determination will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Rules, which will remain in effect and be enforced to the fullest extent permissible by law.

15.3. WhiteBridge.ai retains the right, at its sole discretion, to delegate all or part of its rights and/or obligations under these Rules without prior consent from the User, provided that such delegation does not negatively impact the assurances made to the Private User. Any delegation of rights and/or obligations by WhiteBridge.ai, executed in line with this section of the Rules, will absolve WhiteBridge.ai from adhering to all obligations specified in these Rules. The User is not permitted to delegate or transfer these Rules, or any or all of their respective rights and/or obligations under these Rules, whether as per applicable law or otherwise, without acquiring prior written approval from WhiteBridge.ai.

A failure on the part of the User or WhiteBridge.ai to enforce any of the rights outlined in these Rules will not be construed as a waiver of those rights.

Last updated 12 April 2024